
I am looking for a research assistant (4 hrs/week) to help with preparing teaching materials, analyzing data, and many other tasks. If you are interested in working in such a position, please send an e-mail with your current grades and your current CV to .

Kategorie: Allgemein

In the Winter Term 2024/25, Prof. Oberfichtner and I will teach a seminar on the Master's level jointly with Prof. Elke Jahn of the University of Bayreuth. During the seminar, participants will discuss a broad range of current topics in labor economics and economics of innovation.  This term, we wil...

Kategorie: Allgemein

All exams have been corrected. The inspections will take place on Friday, March 1st. If you would like to inspect your exam, please send an e-mail to until February 28th, the latest, to receive a time and place for the inspection. Have a good break!

Kategorie: Allgemein

This fall, I will be teaching a new seminar on labor and education topics jointly with Prof. Michael Oberfichtner. In the Winter Term 23/24, we will focus on recent research on imperfect labor markets and monopsony.   The deadline for registrations is October 6th, 2023.   You c...

Kategorie: Allgemein

All exams have been corrected. The inspections will take place on March 28th. If you would like to inspect your exam, please send an e-mail to until March 24th, the latest, to receive a time and place for the inspection. Have a good break!

Kategorie: Allgemein

The seminar is jointly organized by Prof. Nagler and Prof. Rincke in the Summer Term 2023. During the seminar, participants will discuss a broad range of current topics in the economics of human capital. This will include topics such as sorting into specific professions and/or study fields. For y...

Kategorie: Allgemein

All exams have been corrected now. The exam inspections for "Labor Economics" and "Economics of Innovation" will take place on August 30. If you would like to see your exam, please send an e-mail with your matriculation number to until August 16th, the latest. You will then rece...

Kategorie: Allgemein

The Hanns Martin Schleyer-Foundation awarded me the Friedwart Bruckhaus-Prize 2020/21 for my paper on sorting into the teacher profession across the business cycle last week. You can find out more about the prize and the award ceremony here:

Kategorie: Allgemein

I have corrected all exams now.   The exam inspection for "Labor Economics" will take place on March 8th at Lange Gasse. If you would like to inspect your exam, please send an e-mail with your matriculation number to until March 1st, the latest. I will then send you t...

Kategorie: Allgemein